- Symptoms
- Clinical Finding
- Complaint
- Infection
- Neoplasm
- Trauma
- Congenital
- Other diagnosis
- Process
General reasons for visit
- AF01 Procreative management
- AF01.00 Wanting children
- AF02 Oral contraception
- AF03 Intrauterine contraception
- AF04 Post-coital contraception
- AF04.00 Morning after pill method of contraception
- AF04.01 Postcoital intrauterine contraceptive device fitted
- AF05 Other specified contraception
- AF05.00 Contraceptive diaphragm (pessarium occlusivum) device
- AF05.01 Depot contraception
- AF05.02 Sheath contraception, condom
- AF06 Sterilization
- AF99 Other specified family planning
- AG01 General examination and investigation of persons without complaint or reported diagnosis
- AG02 Other specified general examinations and investigations of persons without complaint or reported diagnosis
- AG03 Examination and encounter for certification purposes
- AG04 Routine general health check-up of defined subpopulation
- AG99 Other specified general and routine examinations
- AI01 Introduction to practice and health provider
- AI02 Patient treatment and care preferences
- AI03 Patient preferences about end of life care
- AI99 Other specified introduction and patient treatment preferences
- AP01 Special screening examination for neoplasms
- AP01.00 Special screening examination for neoplasm of breast
- AP01.01 Special screening examination for neoplasm of cervix
- AP01.02 Special screening examination for neoplasm of colon and rectum
- AP01.03 Special screening examination for neoplasm of lung
- AP01.04 Special screening examination for neoplasm of prostate
- AP01.05 Special screening examination for neoplasm of skin
- AP10 Special screening examination for infectious and parasitic diseases
- AP10.00 Special screening for infections with a predominantly sexual mode of transmission
- AP15 Special screening examination for diabetes mellitus
- AP16 Special screening examination for cardiovascular disorders
- AP20 Encounter for immunisation
- AP21 Encounter for immunisation against influenza
- AP22 Encounter for immunisation against COVID-19
- AP40 Reasons for visit related to lifestyle
- AP45 Persons encountering health services for other counselling and medical advice
- AP50 Contact with and exposure to communicable diseases
- AP60 Potential health hazards related to personal history
- AP65 Potential health hazards related to family history
- AP65.00 Family history of diabetes
- AP65.01 Family history of ischaemic heart disease and other diseases of circulatory system
- AP65.04 Family history of hypercholesterolaemia
- AP65.06 Use of DES by mother
- AP66 Potential health hazards related to family history of cancer
- AP66.00 Family history of breast cancer
- AP66.01 Family history of colon cancer
- AP66.02 Family history of ovary cancer
- AP70 Potential health hazards related to public health
- AP80 Asymptomatic carrier
- AP80.00 Carrier of chromosome disorder
- AP80.01 Hepatitis B carrier
- AP80.02 Carrier, risk for environment or children
- AP80.03 Carrier, risk for him-, or herself
- AP80.04 Carrier of G6PD
- AP80.05 Carrier of sickle cell
- AP80.06 Carrier of thalassemia
- AP99 Other specified prevention and case finding
- AQ01 Health promotion related to reproductive and sexual health
- AQ02 Health promotion related to growth, development and ageing
- AQ03 Health promotion related to prevention of injury
- AQ04 Health promotion related to prevention of violence
- AQ05 Health promotion related to substance abuse
- AQ99 Other specified health promotion
- AR01 Encounter related to presence of devices, implants or grafts
- AR01.00 Presence of pacemaker or implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD)pacemaker
- AR02 Encounter related to presence of artificial opening
- AR02.00 Living with a stoma
- AR03 Encounter related to presence of transplanted organ or tissue
- AR03.00 Status after transplant
- AR04 Encounter related to postponement of menstruation
- AR99 Other specified reasons for visit
- AS01 General pain in multiple sites
- AS02 Chills
- AS03 Fever
- AS04 General weakness or tiredness
- AS05 Postviral fatigue
- AS05.00 Chronic fatigue syndrome
- AS06 Feeling ill
- AS07 Fainting
- AS08 Frailty
- AS09 Swelling and generalized edema
- AS10 Sweating problem
- AS10.00 Localised hyperhidrosis
- AS10.01 Night sweats
- AS11 Bleeding
- AS12 Chest pain
- AS13 Irritable infant
- AS14 Fall of unknown origin
- AS50 Other specified abnormal result investigation
- AS50.00 Elevated blood glucose level
- AS50.01 Subclinical hypothyroidism
- AS50.02 Subclinical hyperthyroidism
- AS52 Shock
- AS53 Coma
- AS90 Concern or fear of disease
- AS91 Concern or fear of medical treatment
- AS92 Concern about appearance
- AS99 Other specified general symptoms, complaints and abnormal findings
- AS99.00 Cold extremities
- AD01 Measles
- AD02 Chickenpox
- AD03 Rubella
- AD04 Infectious mononucleosis
- AD13 Other specified and unknown viral exanthems
- AD13.00 Erythema infectiosum (fifth disease)
- AD13.01 Exanthema subitum (6th disease/roseola infantum)
- AD13.02 Hand foot and mouth disease
- AD14 Other specified and unknown viral diseases
- AD14.00 Chikungunya fever
- AD14.01 Dengue fever
- AD14.02 Dengue haemorrhagic fever
- AD14.03 Ebola virus disease
- AD14.04 Hantavirus disease
- AD14.05 Lassa fever
- AD14.06 Rabies
- AD14.07 Yellow fever
- AD14.08 Zika virus disease
- AD15 Tuberculosis
- AD16 Malaria
- AD17 Leishmaniasis
- AD17.00 Cutaneous leishmaniasis
- AD17.01 Mucocutaneous leishmaniasis
- AD17.02 Visceral leishmaniasis
- AD23 Sepsis
- AD24 Other specified and unknown infectious diseases
- AD24.00 African trypanosomiasis
- AD24.01 Chagas disease (South American trypanosomiasis)
- AD24.02 Filariasis
- AD24.03 Infection caused by Onchocerca volvulus
- AD24.05 Lyme disease
- AD24.06 Leprosy (Hansen's disease)
- AD24.07 Loiasis
- AD24.08 Lymphatic filariasis
- AD24.09 Scarlet fever
- AD25 Malignancy
- AD26 Other specified benign, uncertain or in situ neoplasms
- AD35 Multiple trauma and injuries
- AD36 Other specified and unknown trauma and injury
- AD37 Secondary effect of trauma
- AD40 Poisoning by medical agent
- AD41 Adverse effect of medical agent
- AD41.00 Drug allergy
- AD41.01 Drug induced headache
- AD41.02 Spotting using hormonal contraception
- AD42 Complication of medical treatment
- AD42.00 Adverse effect of vaccination
- AD42.01 Dehiscence episiotomy
- AD43 Side-effect of prosthetic device
- AD44 Toxic effect of non-medicinal substance
- AD44.00 Poisoning caused by venomous snake
- AD45 Adverse effect of physical factor
- AD45.00 Chilblains (perniones)
- AD45.01 Heat stroke and sunstroke
- AD45.02 Motion sickness
- AD46 Other specified and unknown allergy or allergic reaction
- AD46.00 Anaphylactic shock
- AD46.01 Angioneurotic oedema
- AD46.02 Cow's milk protein allergy
- AD55 Congenital anomaly, other specified or unknown
- AD55.00 Complete trisomy 21 syndrome (Down syndrome)
- AD65 Premature newborn
- AD66 Other specified and unknown perinatal morbidity
- AD95 Perinatal mortality
- AD95.00 Newborn death
- AD95.01 Undelivered in utero foetal death
- AD96 Death
- AD96.00 Natural death
- AD96.01 Unnatural death
- AD99 Other specified or unknown general diseases or conditions of unspecified site
- BS01 Lymph gland(s) symptom or complaint
- BS50 Splenomegaly
- BS51 Unexplained changes in white blood cells
- BS52 Elevated erythrocyte sedimentation rate
- BS90 Concern or fear of disease of blood, blood-forming organs and immune system
- BS99 Other specified symptoms, complaints or abnormal findings of blood, blood-forming organs and immune system
- BD01 Lymphadenitis acute
- BD02 Other specified or unknown lymphadenitis
- BD03 Asymptomatic HIV-infection
- BD04 Symptomatic HIV-infection/AIDS
- BD25 Malignant neoplasm of blood, blood-forming organs and immune system
- BD25.00 Hodgkin lymphoma
- BD25.01 Malignant lymphoma, other classified
- BD25.02 Leukaemia
- BD25.03 Plasma cell myeloma
- BD25.04 Burkitt lymphoma
- BD26 Benign, uncertain or in-situ neoplasm of blood, blood-forming organs and immune system
- BD35 Injury of blood, blood-forming organs and immune system
- BD35.00 Traumatic ruptured spleen
- BD55 Congenital anomaly of blood, blood-forming organs and immune system
- BD65 Hereditary haemolytic anaemia
- BD65.00 Haemolytic anaemia due to glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency
- BD65.01 Sickle cell disorders or other haemoglobinopathies
- BD65.02 Thalassaemias
- BD66 Iron deficiency anaemia
- BD67 Vitamin B12 anaemia or folate deficiency anaemia
- BD67.00 Folate deficiency anaemia
- BD67.01 Megaloblastic anaemia due to vitamin B12 deficiency
- BD77 Other specified and unknown anaemias
- BD77.00 Severe anaemia
- BD78 Coagulation defect
- BD78.00 Hereditary factor VIII deficiency
- BD78.01 Hereditary factor IX deficiency
- BD78.02 Immune thrombocytopenic purpura
- BD78.03 Thrombophilia
- BD99 Other specified or unknown blood, blood-forming organs, immune system diagnoses or diseases
- BD99.00 Immunodeficiency
- BD99.01 Sarcoidosis
Digestive system
- DS01 General abdominal pain
- DS02 Epigastric pain
- DS03 Heartburn
- DS04 Rectal or anal pain
- DS05 Perianal itching
- DS06 Other specified localized abdominal pain
- DS07 Dyspepsia
- DS08 Flatulence, gas and belching
- DS09 Nausea
- DS10 Vomiting
- DS11 Diarrhoea
- DS12 Constipation
- DS13 Jaundice
- DS14 Haematemesis
- DS15 Melaena
- DS16 Rectal bleeding
- DS17 Incontinence of bowel
- DS18 Change in faeces and bowel movements
- DS19 Teeth, gum symptom or complaint
- DS20 Mouth, tongue, lip symptom or complaint
- DS20.00 Dry mouth
- DS20.01 Glossodynia
- DS20.02 Halitosis
- DS21 Swallowing problem
- DS50 Hepatomegaly
- DS51 Abdominal distension or abdominal mass or both
- DS51.00 Ascites
- DS90 Concern or fear of disease of digestive system
- DS99 Other specified or unknown symptoms, complaints, abnormal findings of digestive system
- DD01 Gastrointestinal infection
- DD01.00 Amoebiasis
- DD01.01 Campylobacter
- DD01.02 Giardia
- DD01.03 Salmonellosis
- DD01.04 Shigella
- DD01.05 Typhoid
- DD01.06 Yersinia enterocolitica
- DD01.07 Cholera
- DD01.08 Cryptosporidiosis
- DD02 Mumps
- DD03 Viral hepatitis
- DD03.00 Acute viral hepatitis A
- DD03.01 Acute viral hepatitis B
- DD03.02 Acute viral hepatitis C
- DD03.03 Acute viral hepatitis E
- DD03.04 Chronic viral hepatitis B
- DD03.05 Chronic viral hepatitis C
- DD03.06 Chronic viral hepatitis D
- DD03.07 Chronic viral hepatitis E
- DD05 Gastroenteritis presumed infection
- DD05.00 Diarrhoeal disease
- DD06 Perianal abscess
- DD07 Intestinal helminths
- DD07.00 Ascariasis
- DD07.01 Oxyuriasis
- DD07.02 Taeniasis
- DD07.05 Schistosomiasis
- DD07.06 Strongyloidiasis
- DD07.07 Hookworm disease
- DD07.08 Trichuriasis
- DD07.09 Cysticercosis
- DD07.10 Echinococcosis
- DD25 Malignant neoplasm of stomach
- DD26 Malignant neoplasm of large intestine
- DD27 Malignant neoplasm of pancreas
- DD28 Other specified or unknown malignant digestive neoplasm
- DD28.00 Malignant neoplasm of lips/mouth/tongue
- DD28.01 Malignant neoplasm of liver
- DD28.02 Malignant neoplasm of oesophagus
- DD28.03 Malignant neoplasm of pharynx
- DD28.04 Malignant neoplasm of salivary glands
- DD28.05 Malignant neoplasm of gallbladder and bile ducts
- DD29 Benign or uncertain neoplasm or carcinoma in situ neoplasm of digestive system
- DD29.00 Familial polyposis syndrome
- DD35 Injury of digestive system
- DD36 Foreign body in digestive system
- DD55 Congenital anomaly of digestive system
- DD55.00 Cleft lip/gum/palate
- DD55.01 Congenital pyloric stenosis
- DD55.02 Meckels diverticulum
- DD55.03 Tongue-tie
- DD65 Teeth or gum disease or both
- DD65.00 Gingivitis
- DD65.01 Temporomandibular joint disorder
- DD65.02 Caries of deciduous teeth
- DD65.03 Caries of permanent teeth
- DD66 Mouth, tongue or lip diseases
- DD66.00 Angular stomatitis
- DD66.01 Candidiasis of mouth, oral sprue
- DD66.02 Oral aphthae
- DD66.03 Salivary stone
- DD67 Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease
- DD67.00 Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease with oesophagitis
- DD67.01 Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease without oesophagitis
- DD68 Other specified or unknown oesophagus disease
- DD68.00 Barrett's oesophagitis
- DD68.01 Benign esophageal stricture
- DD68.02 Oesophageal diverticulum
- DD68.03 Zenker's diverticulum
- DD69 Duodenal ulcer
- DD70 Other specified or unknown peptic ulcer
- DD70.00 Ulcus ventriculi
- DD71 Gastritis or duodenitis or both
- DD72 Appendicitis
- DD73 Inguinal hernia
- DD74 Hiatus hernia
- DD75 Umbilical hernia
- DD76 Other specified or unknown abdominal hernia
- DD76.00 Femoral hernia
- DD76.01 Incisional hernia
- DD77 Diverticular disease
- DD78 Irritable bowel syndrome
- DD79 Inflammatory bowel disease
- DD79.00 Regional enteritis
- DD79.01 Ulcerative colitis
- DD80 Anal fissure or anal fistula or both
- DD80.00 Anal fissure
- DD80.01 Fistula ani
- DD81 Other specified or unknown liver diseases
- DD81.00 Cirrhosis of liver
- DD81.01 Steatosis of liver
- DD82 Cholecystitis or cholelithiasis or both
- DD82.00 Cholangitis
- DD82.01 Cholecystitis
- DD82.02 Cholelithiasis
- DD83 Coeliac disease
- DD84 Haemorrhoids
- DD99 Other specified or unknown diagnoses or diseases of digestive system
- DD99.00 Entrapment of intestine in abdominal adhesions
- DD99.01 Ileus
- DD99.02 Intestinal intussusception
- DD99.03 Pancreatitis
- DD99.04 Peritonitis
- FS01 Eye pain
- FS02 Red eye
- FS03 Eye discharge
- FS03.00 Watery eye
- FS04 Visual floaters or spots
- FS05 Decreased visual acuity
- FS06 Other specified visual disturbances
- FS07 Dry eye or other abnormal eye sensations
- FS07.00 Dry eye (syndrome)
- FS08 Abnormal eye appearance
- FS09 Eyelid symptoms or complaints
- FS09.00 Blepharochalasis
- FS09.01 Xanthelasma palpebrarum
- FS10 Glasses or contact lenses symptoms or complaints
- FS90 Concern or fear of eye disease
- FS99 Other specified symptoms, complaints, abnormal findings of eye
- FD01 Infectious conjunctivitis
- FD01.00 Bacterial conjunctivitis
- FD01.01 Viral conjunctivitis
- FD02 Blepharitis or stye or chalazion
- FD02.00 Blepharitis
- FD02.01 Chalazion
- FD02.02 Hordeolum
- FD03 Other specified or unknown eye infections or inflammations
- FD03.00 Dacryocystitis
- FD03.01 Iridocyclitis
- FD03.02 Keratitis
- FD04 Trachoma
- FD05 Corneal ulcer
- FD05.00 Herpes simplex keratitis dendritic
- FD25 Neoplasm of eye or adnexa
- FD25.00 Benign neoplasm eye
- FD25.01 Malignant tumor of eye
- FD25.02 Uncertain neoplasm of eye
- FD35 Contusion or haemorrhage eye or both
- FD35.00 Black eye
- FD35.01 Subconjunctival hemorrhage
- FD36 Other specified and unknown injury of eye
- FD36.00 Corneal abrasion
- FD36.01 Snow blindness
- FD37 Foreign body in eye
- FD55 Congenital stenosis or stricture of lacrimal duct
- FD56 Other specified or unknown congenital anomaly of eye
- FD65 Allergic conjunctivitis
- FD66 Detached retina
- FD67 Retinopathy
- FD67.00 Arteriosclerotic retinopathy
- FD67.01 Diabetic retinopathy
- FD68 Macular degeneration
- FD69 Disorders of refraction and accommodation
- FD69.00 Astigmatism
- FD69.01 Hypermetropia
- FD69.02 Myopia
- FD69.03 Presbyopia
- FD70 Cataract
- FD70.00 Senile cataract
- FD71 Glaucoma
- FD71.00 Narrow-angle glaucoma
- FD71.01 Open-angle glaucoma
- FD71.02 Raised intraocular pressure
- FD71.03 Secondary glaucoma
- FD72 Blindness
- FD73 Strabismus
- FD74 Pterygium
- FD99 Other specified or unknown diagnosis or diseases of eye and adnexa
- FD99.00 Ectropion
- FD99.01 Entropion
- FD99.02 Episcleritis
- FD99.03 Scleritis
- FD99.04 Posterior vitreous detachment
Genital system
- GS01 Pain in penis
- GS02 Pain in testis
- GS03 Other specified genital pain
- GS04 Pain in breast
- GS05 Menstrual pain
- GS06 Intermenstrual pain
- GS07 Absent or scanty menstruation
- GS07.00 Amenorrhea
- GS07.02 Oligomenorrhea
- GS08 Excessive menstruation
- GS09 Irregular or frequent menstruation
- GS09.00 Irregular periods
- GS09.01 Polymenorrhea
- GS10 Intermenstrual bleeding
- GS10.00 Ovulation bleeding
- GS11 Premenstrual symptoms or complaints
- GS13 Menopausal symptoms or complaints
- GS13.00 Atrophic vaginitis
- GS13.01 Menopausal flushing
- GS14 Postmenopausal bleeding
- GS15 Postcoital bleeding
- GS16 Vaginal discharge
- GS17 Other specified vaginal symptoms or complaints
- GS18 Vulval symptoms or complaints
- GS19 Pelvis symptoms or complaints
- GS20 Penis symptoms or complaints
- GS21 Scrotum or testis symptoms or complaints
- GS21.00 Swelling of testis
- GS22 Prostate symptoms or complaints
- GS23 Painful intercourse
- GS24 Impotence or erectile dysfunction
- GS25 Other specified sexual function symptoms or complaints
- GS26 Lump or mass in breast
- GS27 Nipple symptoms or complaints
- GS27.00 Nipple discharge
- GS28 Other specified breast symptoms or complaints
- GS28.00 Gynaecomastia
- GS29 Infertility or subfertility
- GS50 Abnormal cervix smear
- GS90 Concern about breast appearance
- GS91 Concern or fear of sexual dysfunction
- GS92 Concern or fear of sexually transmitted infection
- GS93 Concern or fear of breast cancer
- GS94 Other specified concern or fear of disease of genital system
- GS94.00 Fear of prostate cancer
- GS99 Other specified symptoms, complaints and abnormal findings of genital system
- GD01 Syphilis
- GD02 Gonorrhoea
- GD03 Genital herpes
- GD04 Genital trichomoniasis
- GD05 Genital human papilloma virus infection
- GD06 Genital Chlamydia infection
- GD06.00 Cervicitis caused by Chlamydia
- GD06.01 Pelvic inflammatory disease by Chlamydia
- GD06.02 Vaginitis caused by Chlamydia
- GD06.03 Chlamydia-infection male
- GD07 Other specified or unknown sexual transmitted disease
- GD07.00 Lymphogranuloma venerum
- GD08 Genital candidiasis or balanitis
- GD08.00 Candida balanitis
- GD09 Pelvic inflammatory disease
- GD10 Prostatitis or seminal vesiculitis or both
- GD11 Orchitis or epididymitis
- GD11.00 Epididymitis
- GD11.01 Orchitis
- GD12 Vaginitis or vulvitis
- GD12.00 Vaginosis (bacterial)
- GD25 Malignant neoplasms of cervix
- GD26 Malignant neoplasms of prostate
- GD27 Malignant neoplasms of breast
- GD27.00 Adenocarcinoma mammae
- GD28 Other specified or unknown malignant genital neoplasms
- GD28.00 Adenocarcinoma of endometrium
- GD28.01 Malignancy of ovaries
- GD28.02 Malignant neoplasm of penis
- GD28.03 Malignant neoplasm of testis
- GD28.04 Malignant neoplasm of uterus
- GD29 Fibromyoma of uterus or cervix or both
- GD29.00 Myoma of uterus
- GD30 Benign neoplasms of breast
- GD31 Benign neoplasms of genital system
- GD32 Genital neoplasm, in situ or uncertain
- GD35 Genital injuries
- GD35.00 Corpus alienum genital tract
- GD35.01 Female genital mutilation
- GD55 Congenital anomaly of genital system
- GD55.00 Imperforate hymen
- GD55.01 Retractile testis
- GD56 Hypospadias
- GD57 Undescended testicle
- GD65 Cervical disease
- GD65.00 Cervical erosion
- GD65.01 Cervical polyp
- GD66 Uterovaginal prolapse
- GD66.00 Cystocele
- GD66.01 Rectocele
- GD67 Fibrocystic disease breast
- GD68 Premenstrual tension syndrome
- GD69 Endometriosis
- GD70 Benign prostatic hypertrophy
- GD71 Hydrocele or spermatocele or both
- GD71.00 Hydrocele
- GD71.01 Spermatocele
- GD72 Phimosis or paraphimosis
- GD99 Other specified and unknown diagnoses and diseases of genital system
- GD99.00 Bartholinitis
- GD99.01 Mastitis (non-lactating)
- GD99.02 Ovarian cyst
- GD99.03 Torsion of testis
- HS01 Ear pain or ache
- HS02 Hearing complaint
- HS03 Tinnitus, ringing or buzzing ear
- HS04 Ear discharge
- HS05 Bleeding ear
- HS06 Plugged feeling in ear
- HS90 Concern or fear of ear disease
- HS91 Concern about appearance of ears
- HS99 Other specified symptoms, complaints, abnormal findings of ear
- HD01 Otitis externa
- HD02 Acute otitis media or myringitis
- HD03 Serous otitis media
- HD04 Eustachian salpingitis
- HD05 Chronic otitis media
- HD05.00 Cholesteatoma
- HD05.02 Mastoiditis
- HD25 Neoplasm of ear
- HD25.00 Benign neoplasm of ear
- HD25.01 Malignant neoplasm of ear
- HD25.02 Uncertain neoplasm of ear
- HD35 Acoustic trauma
- HD36 Foreign body in ear
- HD37 Other specified or unknown ear injury
- HD55 Congenital anomaly of ear
- HD55.00 Bat ears
- HD65 Perforation of ear drum
- HD66 Excessive ear wax
- HD67 Vestibular syndrome
- HD67.00 Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo
- HD67.01 Labyrinthitis
- HD67.02 Meniere disease
- HD68 Presbycusis
- HD69 Deafness
- HD99 Other specified or unknown diagnoses or diseases of ear and mastoid
Circulatory system
- KS01 Pain, pressure, tightness of heart
- KS02 Palpitations, awareness of heart
- KS03 Irregular heartbeat
- KS04 Ankle oedema
- KS50 Low blood pressure
- KS51 Elevated blood pressure
- KS52 Heart murmur or arterial murmur or both
- KS90 Concern or fear of disease of circulatory system
- KS99 Other specified symptoms, complaints, abnormal findings of circulatory system
- KD01 Infection of circulatory system
- KD02 Rheumatic heart disease
- KD02.00 Acute rheumatic fever with heart disease
- KD02.01 Acute rheumatic fever without heart disease
- KD25 Neoplasms circulatory system
- KD25.00 Benign cardiovascular neoplasm
- KD25.01 Malignant cardiovascular neoplasm
- KD25.02 Uncertain cardiovascular neoplasm
- KD35 Injury of circulatory system
- KD55 Congenital anomaly of circulatory system
- KD55.00 Congenital anomaly of atrial septum
- KD55.01 Congenital ventricular septal defect
- KD65 Acute coronary syndrome
- KD65.00 Acute myocardial infarction
- KD65.01 Unstable angina pectoris
- KD66 Chronic ischaemic heart disease
- KD66.00 Coronary sclerosis
- KD66.01 Old myocardial infarction
- KD66.02 Stable angina
- KD67 Heart failure
- KD67.00 Acute heart failure
- KD67.01 Chronic heart failure
- KD67.02 Left ventricular heart failure with mid range or reduced ejection fraction
- KD67.03 Left ventricular heart failure with preserved ejection fraction
- KD68 Atrial fibrillation or flutter
- KD69 Paroxysmal tachycardia
- KD69.00 Supraventricular tachycardia
- KD69.01 Ventricular tachycardia
- KD70 Cardiac arrhythmia or conduction disorder or both
- KD70.00 Atrioventricular block
- KD70.01 Long Q-T syndrome
- KD70.02 Sick-sinus syndrome
- KD70.03 Supraventricular extrasystoles
- KD70.04 Ventricular extrasystoles
- KD70.05 Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome
- KD71 Heart valve disease
- KD71.00 Cardiac valve prolapse
- KD71.01 Mitral valve insufficiency or incompetence or mitral regurgitation
- KD71.02 Stenosed aortic valve
- KD72 Other specified and unknown heart disease
- KD72.00 Cardiac arrest
- KD72.01 Cardiac arrest with successful resuscitation
- KD72.02 Cardiomyopathy
- KD73 Hypertension, uncomplicated
- KD74 Hypertension, complicated
- KD75 Postural hypotension
- KD76 Atherosclerosis or peripheral vascular disease
- KD76.00 Intermittent claudication
- KD76.01 Raynaud's syndrome
- KD76.02 Thromboangiitis obliterans
- KD77 Pulmonary embolism
- KD78 Thrombosis or phlebitis or thrombophlebitis
- KD78.00 Deep vein thrombosis
- KD78.01 Superficial vein thrombophlebitis
- KD79 Varicose veins
- KD79.00 Scrotal varices/varicocele
- KD79.01 Venous insufficiency
- KD99 Other specified and unknown diagnoses and diseases of the circulatory system
- KD99.00 Aortic aneurysm or dissection
- KD99.01 Diabetic peripheral angiopathy
- KD99.02 Oesophageal varices
- KD99.03 Arteritis temporalis
- KD99.04 Lymphoedema
Musculatory system
- LS01 Neck symptom or complaint
- LS02 Back symptom or complaint
- LS03 Low back symptom or complaint
- LS04 Musculoskeletal chest symptom or complaint
- LS05 Flank or axilla symptom or complaint
- LS06 Jaw symptom or complaint
- LS07 Shoulder symptom or complaint
- LS08 Arm symptom or complaint
- LS09 Elbow symptom or complaint
- LS10 Wrist symptom or complaint
- LS11 Hand or finger (or both) symptom or complaint
- LS12 Hip symptom or complaint
- LS13 Leg or thigh (or both) symptom or complaint
- LS14 Knee symptom or complaint
- LS15 Ankle symptom or complaint
- LS16 Foot or toe (or both) symptom or complaint
- LS16.00 Metatarsalgia
- LS17 Muscle pain
- LS18 Chronic widespread pain
- LS18.00 Primary fibromyalgia syndrome
- LS19 Muscle symptom or complaint
- LS20 Other specified joint symptoms or complaints
- LS90 Concern or fear of disease of musculoskeletal system
- LS99 Other specified symptoms, complaints and abnormal findings of musculoskeletal system
- LD01 Infection of musculoskeletal system
- LD01.00 Bacterial (septic) arthritis
- LD01.01 Osteomyelitis
- LD25 Malignant neoplasm musculoskeletal system
- LD26 Benign, uncertain or carcinoma in situ musculoskeletal
- LD26.00 Benign musculoskeletal neoplasm
- LD35 Fracture of radius or ulna or both
- LD36 Fracture of tibia or fibula or both
- LD37 Fracture of hand or foot bone or both
- LD37.00 Fracture phalanx hand
- LD37.01 Fracture phalanx foot
- LD38 Fracture of femur
- LD38.00 Fracture of neck of femur
- LD39 Other specified and unknown fracture
- LD39.00 Fracture nasal bones
- LD39.01 Fracture of clavicle
- LD39.02 Fracture of humerus
- LD39.03 Fracture of rib
- LD39.04 Fracture of vertebral column
- LD39.05 Fracture of pelvis
- LD39.06 Fracture of patella
- LD39.07 Fracture of skull
- LD45 Trauma of joint and ligaments of knee
- LD45.00 Acute derangement of knee
- LD45.01 Rupture/sprain of cruciate ligaments of knee
- LD45.02 Sprain of lateral/medial collateral ligament of knee
- LD45.03 Tear of meniscus of knee
- LD46 Sprain or strain of ankle
- LD47 Other specified and unknown sprain or strain of joint
- LD47.00 Whiplash injury of neck
- LD48 Dislocation or subluxation
- LD48.00 Closed subluxation/open dislocation jaw
- LD48.01 Dislocation/subluxation acromioclavicular joint
- LD48.02 Dislocation/subluxation finger
- LD48.03 Dislocation/subluxation shoulder joint
- LD48.04 Subluxation radial head
- LD49 Other specified musculoskeletal injury
- LD49.00 Contusion of rib
- LD49.01 Tear musculus gastrocnemius
- LD55 Congenital anomaly of musculoskeletal system
- LD55.00 Cervical rib
- LD55.01 Congenital dislocation of hip/dysplasia
- LD55.02 Spina bifida occulta
- LD55.03 Talipes equinovarus
- LD65 Neck syndrome
- LD65.00 Cervical herniation of nucleus pulposus
- LD66 Back syndrome without radiating pain
- LD66.00 Spondylosis
- LD66.01 Spondylolysis/spondylolisthesis
- LD67 Back syndrome with radiating pain
- LD67.00 Lumbar or thoracic disc prolapse with radiculopathy
- LD68 Shoulder syndrome
- LD69 Patella disorder
- LD69.00 Retropatellar chondromalacia
- LD70 Acquired deformity of spine
- LD70.00 Scoliosis deformity of spine
- LD71 Acquired deformity of limb
- LD71.00 Acquired unequal limb length
- LD71.01 Hallux valgus
- LD71.02 Hammer toe
- LD71.03 Mallet finger
- LD71.04 Talipes (pes) planus
- LD72 Other specified and unknown bursitis, tendinitis, synovitis
- LD72.00 Acquired trigger finger
- LD72.01 Bursitis
- LD72.02 Calcaneus spur
- LD72.03 Dupuytren's contracture
- LD72.04 Medial epicondylitis of elbow joint
- LD72.05 Tendinitis/tenosynovitis
- LD72.06 Achilles tendinitis
- LD72.07 Trochanteric bursitis
- LD72.08 Radial styloid tenosynovitis (de Quervain)
- LD72.09 Ganglion
- LD72.10 Plantar fascial fibromatosis
- LD73 Tennis elbow
- LD74 Rheumatoid arthritis and related conditions
- LD74.00 Ankylosing spondylitis (M. Bechterew/Bekhterev's disease)
- LD74.01 Rheumatoid arthritis
- LD75 Gout
- LD76 Polymyalgia rheumatica
- LD77 Osteochondrosis
- LD77.00 Legg-Calve-Perthes disease
- LD77.01 Osgood-Schlatter disease
- LD77.02 Osteochondritis dissecans
- LD77.03 Slipped upper femoral epiphysis
- LD78 Osteoarthrosis of hip
- LD79 Osteoarthrosis of knee
- LD80 Other specified and unknown osteoarthrosis
- LD81 Osteoporosis
- LD81.00 Osteopenia
- LD99 Other specified diagnoses and diseases of musculoskeletal system
- LD99.00 Hypermobility syndrome
- LD99.01 Instability knee
- LD99.02 Loose body in joint
- LD99.03 Nonunion of fracture
- LD99.04 Old meniscus injury
- LD99.05 Psoriatic arthritis
- LD99.06 Tietze's disease
- LD99.07 Non-traumatic derangement of knee
- LD99.08 Postural plagiocephalie
Neurological system
- NS01 Headache
- NS02 Pain, face
- NS03 Restless legs
- NS04 Tingling fingers, feet, toes
- NS05 Sensation disturbances
- NS06 Convulsion or seizure
- NS06.00 Febrile seizures
- NS07 Abnormal involuntary movements
- NS08 Disturbance of smell, taste or both
- NS09 Vertigo or dizziness
- NS09.00 Lightheaded
- NS09.01 Rotatory vertigo
- NS10 Paralysis and weakness
- NS11 Speech problem
- NS11.00 Stammering
- NS90 Concern or fear of neurological disease
- NS99 Other specified symptoms, complaints and abnormal findings of neurological system
- ND01 Poliomyelitis
- ND01.00 Acute poliomyelitis
- ND02 Meningitis, encephalitis or both
- ND02.00 Bacterial meningitis
- ND02.01 Encephalitis
- ND02.02 Myelitis
- ND02.03 Viral meningitis
- ND03 Tetanus
- ND04 Other specified and unknown neurological infection
- ND04.00 Slow-virus infection
- ND25 Neoplasm nervous system
- ND25.00 Benign neoplasm nervous system
- ND25.01 Malignant neoplasm nervous system
- ND25.02 Neoplasm of uncertain behaviour nervous system
- ND35 Concussion
- ND36 Other specified and unknown head injury
- ND36.00 Cerebral contusion
- ND36.01 Epidural intracranial haematoma
- ND36.02 Traumatic intracranial haemorrhage
- ND36.03 Traumatic subdural intracranial haemorrhage
- ND37 Other specified and unknown injury neurological system
- ND55 Congenital anomaly of neurological system
- ND55.00 Congenital hydrocephalus
- ND55.01 Spina bifida
- ND65 Multiple sclerosis
- ND66 Parkinsonism
- ND66.00 Parkinson's disease
- ND67 Epilepsy
- ND68 Transient cerebral ischaemia
- ND69 Stroke or cerebrovascular accident
- ND69.00 Cerebral infarction
- ND69.01 Non traumatic intracranial haemorrhage
- ND69.02 Subarachnoid intracranial haemorrhage
- ND70 Cerebrovascular disease
- ND71 Migraine
- ND72 Cluster headache
- ND73 Tension headache
- ND74 Trigeminal neuralgia
- ND75 Facial paralysis
- ND76 Carpal tunnel syndrome
- ND77 Peripheral neuritis, neuropathy or both
- ND77.00 Common peroneal neuropathy
- ND77.01 Diabetic neuropathy
- ND77.02 Guillain-Barré syndrome
- ND77.03 Meralgia paraesthetica
- ND77.04 Morton's neuroma
- ND77.05 Phantom pain
- ND77.06 Thoracic outlet syndrome
- ND77.07 Neuralgic shoulder amyotrophy
- ND99 Other specified and unknown diagnoses and diseases of neurological system
- ND99.00 Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
- ND99.01 Combined disorder of muscle and peripheral nerve
- ND99.02 Myasthenia gravis
- ND99.03 Tic disorder
- ND99.04 Cerebral palsy
Psychological system
- PS01 Feeling anxious or nervous or tense
- PS02 Acute stress reaction
- PS03 Feeling sad
- PS04 Feeling or being irritable or angry
- PS05 Suicidal ideation
- PS06 Sleep disturbance
- PS07 Sexual desire and fulfilment problem
- PS07.00 Premature ejaculation
- PS07.01 Primary erectile dysfunction
- PS07.02 Vaginismus of psychogenic origin
- PS08 Gender incongruence problem
- PS09 Eating problem in child
- PS10 Bedwetting or enuresis
- PS11 Encopresis
- PS12 Chronic alcohol problem
- PS12.00 Alcohol dependence
- PS12.01 Alcohol withdrawal delirium
- PS12.02 Alcoholism
- PS12.03 Binge drinker
- PS12.04 Korsakoff's psychosis
- PS13 Acute alcohol intoxication
- PS14 Tobacco smoking problem
- PS15 Medication abuse
- PS16 Drug abuse
- PS16.00 Abuse or addiction hard drugs
- PS16.01 Abuse/addiction soft drugs
- PS17 Memory or attention problem
- PS18 Child behaviour symptom or complaint
- PS19 Adolescent behaviour symptom or complaint
- PS20 Specific learning problems
- PS20.00 Developmental disorder of motor function
- PS20.01 Developmental language disorder
- PS20.02 Developmental speech disorder
- PS20.03 Dyslexia
- PS21 Own illness problem
- PS21.00 Dependence on others
- PS22 Phase of life problem
- PS22.00 Empty-nest problem
- PS22.01 Retirement problem
- PS90 Concern, fear of mental disorder or problem
- PS99 Other specified psychological/mental symptom/complaint/abnormal finding
- PD01 Dementia
- PD01.00 Alzheimer's disease
- PD01.01 Vascular dementia
- PD02 Other specified and unknown organic mental disorder
- PD02.00 Delirium
- PD03 Schizophrenia
- PD04 Affective psychosis
- PD04.00 Bipolar disorder
- PD05 Other specified or unknown psychosis
- PD06 Anxiety disorder or anxiety state
- PD06.00 Generalised anxiety disorder
- PD06.01 Panic disorder
- PD06.02 Phobia
- PD07 Obsessive-compulsive or related disorder
- PD08 Adjustment disorders
- PD09 Post traumatic stress disorder
- PD10 Bodily distress or somatisation disorder
- PD11 Burn-out
- PD12 Depressive disorder
- PD12.00 Dysthymia
- PD12.01 Postpartum depression
- PD13 Mixed depressive and anxiety disorder
- PD14 Suicide or suicide attempt
- PD14.00 Suicide attempt
- PD14.01 Suicide
- PD15 Personality disorder
- PD15.00 Borderline personality disorder
- PD16 Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
- PD17 Eating disorder
- PD17.00 Anorexia nervosa
- PD17.01 Bulimia
- PD18 Disorders of intellectual development
- PD19 Autism spectrum disorders
- PD19.00 Autistic disorder
- PD99 Other specified or unknown psychological or mental diagnoses or diseases
- PD99.00 Compulsive gambling
Respiratory system
- RS01 Pain respiratory system
- RS02 Shortness of breath
- RS03 Wheezing
- RS04 Other specified breathing problem
- RS05 Snoring
- RS06 Sleep-related breathing problems
- RS06.00 Sleep apnoea
- RS07 Cough
- RS08 Nose bleed or epistaxis
- RS09 Sneezing or nasal congestion
- RS10 Nose symptoms or complaints
- RS11 Sinus symptoms or complaints
- RS12 Throat symptoms or complaints
- RS12.00 Pain in throat
- RS13 Voice symptoms or complaints
- RS14 Haemoptysis or coughing blood
- RS15 Abnormal sputum or phleg
- RS50 Pleurisy or pleural effusion
- RS90 Concern or fear of disease respiratory system
- RS91 Concern about appearance of nose
- RS99 Other specified respiratory symptoms, complaints and abnormal findings
- RS99.00 Hiccough
- RS99.01 Irritable airways
- RD01 Pertussis
- RD02 Acute upper respiratory infection
- RD02.00 Acute pharyngitis
- RD02.01 Common cold
- RD03 Acute or chronic rhinosinusitis
- RD03.00 Acute sinusitis
- RD03.01 Chronic sinusitis
- RD04 Acute tonsillitis
- RD04.00 Peritonsillar abscess
- RD04.01 Streptococcal throat
- RD05 Acute (obstructive) laryngitis or tracheitis or both
- RD05.00 Acute subglottis laryngitis
- RD06 Acute bronchitis or bronchiolitis or both
- RD06.00 Acute bronchitis
- RD06.01 Acute bronchiolitis
- RD07 Influenza
- RD08 Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)
- RD08.00 Long COVID-19
- RD09 Pneumonia
- RD09.00 Legionella pneumonia
- RD10 Other specified or unknown respiratory infection
- RD10.00 Diphteria
- RD10.01 Epiglottitis
- RD10.02 Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS)
- RD25 Malignant neoplasm bronchus and lung
- RD26 Other specified or unknown respiratory malignant neoplasm
- RD26.00 Malignant neoplasm of larynx
- RD27 Benign neoplasm respiratory
- RD28 Uncertain or carcinoma in situ neoplasm of respiratory system
- RD35 Injury respiratory system
- RD36 Foreign body in nose, larynx, bronchus
- RD55 Congenital anomaly of respiratory system
- RD65 Allergic rhinitis
- RD66 Hypertrophy tonsils or adenoids or both
- RD66.00 Hypertrophy of adenoids
- RD66.01 Hypertrophy of tonsils
- RD66.02 Hypertrophy of tonsils and adenoids
- RD67 Chronic bronchitis
- RD68 Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and emphysema
- RD69 Asthma
- RD69.00 Allergic asthma
- RD70 Lung disease related to external agents
- RD70.00 Pneumoconiosis
- RD70.01 Vaping related disorder
- RD99 Other specified or unknown diagnoses and diseases of respiratory system
- RD99.00 Aspiration pneumonia
- RD99.01 Bronchiectasis
- RD99.02 Cystic fibrosis
- RD99.03 Deviated nasal septum
- RD99.04 Pneumothorax
- RD99.05 Polyp of nasal cavity
- RD99.06 Polyp of vocal cord
- RD99.07 Respiratory failure
- RD99.08 Interstitial lung disease
- SS01 Pain or tenderness of skin
- SS02 Pruritus
- SS03 Lump or swelling of skin localised
- SS04 Lump or swelling of skin generalised
- SS05 Rash localised
- SS06 Rash generalised
- SS07 Skin colour change
- SS07.00 Cyanosis
- SS08 Skin texture symptom or complaint
- SS08.00 Dry skin
- SS08.01 Induration of skin
- SS09 Nail symptom or complaint
- SS10 Hair loss or baldness
- SS11 Other specified hair or scalp symptom or complaint
- SS11.00 Change in hair colour
- SS11.01 Hirsutism
- SS90 Concern or fear of disease of skin
- SS99 Other specified symptoms, complaints and abnormal findings of skin
- SD01 Warts
- SD02 Molluscum contagiosum
- SD03 Herpes zoster
- SD03.01 Postherpetic neuralgia
- SD04 Herpes simplex
- SD04.00 Herpes (simplex) labialis
- SD05 Infected finger or toe
- SD05.00 Paronychia
- SD05.01 Pulp space infection of finger/thumb
- SD05.02 Pulp space infection of toe
- SD06 Boil or carbuncle
- SD06.00 Furuncle
- SD06.01 Furunculosis
- SD07 Post-traumatic skin infection
- SD08 Dermatophytosis
- SD08.00 Tinea pedis
- SD09 Pityriasis versicolor
- SD10 Onychomycosis
- SD11 Candidiasis skin
- SD11.00 Candida intertrigo
- SD11.01 Candidiasis of nails
- SD11.02 Diaper candidiasis
- SD12 Pityriasis rosea
- SD13 Scabies and other acariasis
- SD13.00 Scabies
- SD14 Pediculosis and other skin infestation
- SD14.00 Head lice
- SD14.01 Pediculosis pubis
- SD15 Impetigo
- SD16 Other specified or unknown skin infection
- SD16.00 Cellulitis
- SD16.01 Erysipelas
- SD16.02 Erythrasma
- SD16.05 Bacterial folliculitis
- SD25 Malignant neoplasm of skin
- SD25.00 Basal cell carcinoma of skin
- SD25.01 Kaposi's sarcoma of skin
- SD25.02 Malignant melanoma
- SD25.03 Squamous cell carcinoma of skin
- SD26 Lipoma
- SD27 Benign melanocytic naevus
- SD28 Haemangioma or lymphangioma
- SD29 Benign, uncertain or carcinoma in situ neoplasms of skin
- SD29.00 Dermatofibroma
- SD29.01 Dysplastic naevus
- SD29.02 Keratoacanthoma
- SD29.03 Granuloma telangiectaticum
- SD35 Bruise or contusion
- SD35.00 Subungual haematoma
- SD35.01 Bruise or contusion of head (excluding face)
- SD36 Abrasion, scratch, blister
- SD36.00 Abrasion, scratch, blister of head (excluding face)
- SD37 Laceration or cut
- SD37.00 Laceration or cut of head (excluding face)
- SD38 Other specified or unknown skin injury
- SD38.00 Avulsion of nail
- SD38.01 Other specified or unknown skin injury of head (excluding face)
- SD39 Insect or spider bite or sting
- SD39.00 Tick bite
- SD40 Animal or human bite
- SD41 Burn or scald
- SD42 Foreign body in skin
- SD55 Congenital anomaly of skin
- SD55.00 Port-wine stain of skin
- SD55.01 Strawberry nevus of skin
- SD65 Corn or callosity
- SD66 Solar keratosis or sunburn
- SD66.00 Actinic keratosis
- SD66.01 Allergy to sunlight
- SD66.02 Idiopathic photodermatosis
- SD66.03 Photodermatitis
- SD67 Pilonidal cyst or fistula or both
- SD68 Seborrhoeic dermatitis
- SD68.00 Cradle cap
- SD69 Atopic eczema, dermatitis
- SD70 Contact or allergic dermatitis
- SD70.00 Contact dermatitis
- SD70.01 Ingestion dermatitis due to drugs
- SD71 Diaper rash
- SD72 Psoriasis
- SD73 Sweat gland disease
- SD73.00 Anhidrosis
- SD73.01 Dyshidrotic eczema
- SD73.02 Hidradenitis
- SD73.03 Miliaria
- SD74 Sebaceous cyst
- SD74.00 Atheroma cyst
- SD74.01 Epithelial cyst
- SD75 Ingrowing nail
- SD76 Acne
- SD76.00 Acne conglobata
- SD76.01 Acne vulgaris
- SD77 Chronic ulcer of skin
- SD77.00 Pressure sore
- SD77.01 Venous ulcer of leg
- SD77.02 Diabetic foot ulcer
- SD78 Urticaria
- SD80 Seborrhoeic keratosis
- SD81 Rosacea
- SD82 Alopecia
- SD82.00 Alopecia areata
- SD82.01 Androgenic alopecia
- SD99 Other specified or unknown diagnoses and diseases of skin
- SD99.00 Discoid lupus erythematosus
- SD99.01 Erythema nodosum
- SD99.02 Keloid and hypertrophic scar
- SD99.03 Lichen planus
- SD99.04 Lichen sclerosus
- SD99.05 Onychogryphosis
- SD99.06 Striae atrophicae
- SD99.07 Vitiligo
Endocrine system
- TS01 Excessive thirst
- TS02 Excessive appetite
- TS03 Loss of appetite
- TS04 Feeding problem of infant or child
- TS05 Feeding problem of adult
- TS06 Weight gain
- TS07 Weight loss
- TS08 Growth delay
- TS09 Dehydration
- TS50 Underweight
- TS51 Overweight
- TS90 Concern or fear of disease of endocrine, metabolic and nutritional system
- TS99 Other specified endocrine, metabolic, nutritional symptoms, complaints, abnormal findings
- TD01 Endocrine infection
- TD25 Malignant neoplasm of thyroid
- TD26 Benign neoplasm of thyroid
- TD27 Other endocrine neoplasm
- TD27.00 Neoplasm of unknown or uncertain behaviour of endocrine system
- TD27.01 Other benign endocrine neoplasm of endocrine system
- TD27.02 Other malignant endocrine neoplasm of endocrine system
- TD55 Thyroglossal duct or cyst
- TD56 Congenital anomaly of endocrine or metabolic system
- TD65 Goitre
- TD66 Obesity
- TD68 Hyperthyroidism or thyrotoxicosis
- TD69 Hypothyroidism or myxoedema
- TD70 Hypoglycaemia
- TD71 Type 1 diabetes mellitus
- TD72 Type 2 diabetes mellitus
- TD73 Vitamin deficiency
- TD73.00 Vitamin B1 deficiency
- TD73.01 Vitamin B2 deficiency
- TD73.02 Vitamin B6 deficiency
- TD73.03 Vitamin B9 deficiency
- TD73.04 Vitamin B12 deficiency
- TD73.05 Vitamin D deficiency
- TD74 Mineral and nutritional deficiency
- TD74.00 Kwashiorkor
- TD74.01 Marasmus
- TD75 Lipid disorder
- TD75.00 Hypercholesterolaemia
- TD75.01 Hypertriglyceridaemia
- TD75.02 Mixed hyperlipidaemia
- TD75.03 Familial hypercholesterolaemia
- TD99 Other specified or unknown endocrine, metabolic, nutritional diagnoses and diseases
- TD99.00 Addison's disease
- TD99.01 Adrenocortical insufficiency
- TD99.02 Adrenogenital disorder
- TD99.03 Cushing's syndrome
- TD99.04 Hyperhomocysteinemia
- TD99.05 Lactose intolerance
- TD99.06 Polycystic ovary syndrome
- TD99.07 Porphyria
- TD99.08 Premature menopause
- TD99.09 Pubertas praecox
- TD99.10 Thyroiditis
- TD99.11 Metabolic syndrome
Urinary system
- US01 Dysuria or painful urination or both
- US02 Urinary frequency or urgency
- US03 Urine incontinence
- US03.00 Genuine stress incontinence
- US03.01 Mixed incontinence
- US03.02 Urge incontinence
- US04 Urinary retention
- US05 Other specified urination problems
- US05.00 Anuria/oliguria
- US06 Haematuria
- US07 Other specified urine symptom or complaint
- US08 Other specified bladder symptom or complaint
- US09 Kidney symptom or complaint
- US09.00 Renal colic
- US10 Urethral discharge
- US50 Abnormal urine test
- US50.00 Orthostatic albuminuria
- US50.01 Glycosuria
- US50.02 Proteinuria
- US90 Concern or fear of disease of urinary system
- US99 Other specified symptom, complaint and abnormal finding of urinary system
- UD01 Pyelonephritis or pyelitis
- UD02 Cystitis
- UD02.00 Acute cystitis (non-veneral)
- UD03 Urethritis and urethral syndrome
- UD04 Other specified or unknown urinary infection
- UD04.00 Urinary tract infection NOS
- UD25 Malignant neoplasm of kidney
- UD26 Malignant neoplasm of bladder
- UD27 Other specified and unknown malignant neoplasm urinary tract
- UD28 Benign neoplasm of urinary tract
- UD28.00 Polyp of urine bladder
- UD29 Uncertain or carcinoma in situ neoplasm of urinary system
- UD35 Injury to urinary tract
- UD35.00 Contusion of kidney
- UD35.01 Foreign body urinary tract
- UD55 Congenital anomaly of urinary system
- UD55.00 Congenital (poly)cystic kidney disease
- UD65 Glomerular and tubulo-interstitial diseases
- UD66 Chronic kidney disease
- UD66.00 Chronic renal insufficiency
- UD67 Urinary calculus
- UD99 Other specified or unknown diagnoses and diseases of urinary tract
- UD99.00 Contracted kidney
- UD99.01 Obstructive vesicoureteric reflux
- UD99.02 Urethral stricture
Pregnancy and child bearing
- WS01 Suspicion of pregnancy
- WS02 Pregnancy vomiting and nausea
- WS02.00 Hyperemesis gravidarum
- WS03 Bleeding first 20 weeks of pregnancy
- WS03.00 Bleeding first trimester
- WS04 Antepartum haemorrhage
- WS04.00 Bleeding second/third trimester
- WS05 Post-partum bleeding
- WS06 Breast or lactation symptom or complaint
- WS06.00 Lactation problem
- WS39 Other specified post-partum symptom or complaint
- WS39.00 Abnormal lochia
- WS50 Abnormal findings on antenatal screening of mother
- WS90 Concern or fear of being pregnant
- WS91 Fear about complications of pregnancy
- WS99 Other specified symptoms, complaints and abnormal findings during pregnancy, delivery and puerperium
- WS99.00 Feeling fewer movements of foetus
- WS99.01 Pelvic instability
- WS99.02 Concern about appearance during pregnancy
- WD01 Puerperal infection or sepsis
- WD01.00 Infection of perineal wound
- WD01.01 Puerperal endometritis
- WD02 Other specified and unknown infection complicating pregnancy, delivery and puerperium
- WD02.00 Genitourinary tract infection in pregnancy
- WD03 Puerperal mastitis
- WD25 Malignant neoplasms related to pregnancy
- WD26 Benign, in situ or uncertain neoplasms related to pregnancy
- WD35 Injury complicating pregnancy
- WD55 Congenital anomaly complicating pregnancy
- WD65 Spontaneous abortion
- WD65.00 Habitual abortion
- WD66 Induced abortion
- WD67 Pregnancy
- WD68 Unwanted pregnancy
- WD69 Ectopic pregnancy
- WD70 Pre-eclampsia or eclampsia
- WD70.00 Hemolysis-elevated liver enzymes-low platelet count syndrome
- WD70.01 Pregnancy-induced hypertension complicating pregnancy, childbirth or the puerperium
- WD70.02 Toxaemia/(pre) eclampsia
- WD71 Pregnancy, high risk
- WD71.00 Abnormal foetal presentation
- WD71.01 Cervical insufficiency/incompetence
- WD71.02 Foetal-maternal disproportion
- WD71.03 Foetal growth retardation
- WD71.04 Pre-existing diabetes mellitus in pregnancy
- WD71.05 Pre-existing hypertension in pregnancy
- WD71.06 Rhesus antibody present
- WD72 Gestational diabetes
- WD80 Uncomplicated labour, delivery livebirth
- WD81 Uncomplicated labour, delivery stillbirth
- WD82 Complicated labour, delivery livebirth
- WD82.00 Caesarean section of livebirth
- WD82.01 Delivery by vacuum extraction of livebirth
- WD82.02 Forceps delivery of livebirth
- WD83 Complicated labour, delivery stillbirth
- WD83.00 Caesarean section of stillbirth
- WD83.01 Delivery by vacuum extraction of stillbirth
- WD83.02 Forceps delivery of stillbirth
- WD84 Other specified and unknown breast disorder in pregnancy or puerperium
- WD84.00 Cracked nipple
- WD85 Other specified complications of puerperium
- WD85.00 Haemorrhoids in puerperium
- WD85.01 Sub-involution of uterus
- WD85.02 Venous thrombosis in puerperium
- WD99 Other specified and unknown diagnoses and diseases or health conditions in pregnancy, delivery and puerperium
- WD99.00 False labour
- WD99.01 Prolonged pregnancy
- WD99.02 Deep venous thrombosis in pregnancy
- WD99.03 Haemorrhoids in pregnancy
- WD99.04 Varicose veins in pregnancy
Social Problems
- ZC01 Partner relationship problem
- ZC02 Child relationship problem
- ZC02.00 Neglected child
- ZC03 Parent or family member relationship problem
- ZC04 Health care provider relationship problem
- ZC09 Other specified relationship problem
- ZC09.00 Neighbours quarrel/noise
- ZC09.01 Victim of bullying
- ZC10 Loss or death of partner problem
- ZC10.00 Divorce from partner
- ZC10.01 Death of partner
- ZC11 Loss or death of child problem
- ZC12 Loss or death of parent or family member problem
- ZC13 Problems associated with finances
- ZC15 Education problem
- ZC15.00 Illiteracy
- ZC15.01 Failed exams
- ZC15.02 Poor educational progress
- ZC16 Work problem
- ZC16.00 Discord in workplace
- ZC16.01 Occupational exposure to toxic agents
- ZC16.02 Occupational noise exposure
- ZC16.03 Stressful work schedule
- ZC16.04 Threat of dismissal
- ZC17 Unemployment problem
- ZC20 Food or water problem
- ZC25 Illness of partner problem
- ZC26 Illness of child problem
- ZC27 Illness of parents or family member problem
- ZC30 Partner's behaviour problem
- ZC30.00 Addiction of partner
- ZC30.01 Aggressive behaviour of partner
- ZC30.02 Infidelity of partner
- ZC31 Parent or family behaviour problem
- ZC31.00 Addiction of parent or family
- ZC31.01 Aggressive behaviour of parent or family
- ZC35 Violence problem
- ZC35.00 Maltreatment/sexual abuse child
- ZC35.01 Physical maltreatment or sexual abuse by partner
- ZC35.02 Problems related to assault or rape
- ZC36 Housing problem
- ZC36.00 Homeless
- ZC36.01 Housing unsuited to needs
- ZC37 Legal problem
- ZC37.00 Imprisonment
- ZC37.01 Problems with guardianship
- ZC38 Social welfare problem
- ZC38.00 Sickness and disability law problem
- ZC38.01 Social assistance law problem
- ZC39 Health care system related problem
- ZC39.00 Person awaiting admission to elderly/nursing home
- ZC39.01 Waiting period for investigation and treatment
- ZC90 Concern or fear of having a social problem
- ZC99 Other specified social problems influencing health status
- ZC99.00 Discrimination race, religion or gender
- ZC99.01 Feeling lonely
- ZC99.02 Problem illegal stay
- ZC99.03 Problems in recreation and leisure
Interventions and Processes
- -101 Complete examination or health evaluation
- -102 Partial examination or health evaluation
- -103 Sensitivity test
- -104 Microbiological or immunological test
- -105 Blood test
- -106 Urine test
- -107 Faeces test
- -108 Histological and exfoliative cytology
- -109 Other specified laboratory test
- -110 Specific physical function test
- -111 Standard mental, cognitive, physical functioning tests and questionnaires
- -112 Diagnostic endoscopy
- -113 Diagnostic imaging and radiology
- -113.00 Computed tomography (CT)
- -113.01 Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
- -113.02 Ultrasound imaging
- -113.03 X-ray
- -114 Electrical tracing
- -199 Other specified diagnostic interventions
- -201 Pharmacotherapy and prescription
- -202 Preventive immunisation and medication
- -203 Observation, health education, advice and diet
- -204 Incision, drainage, flushing, aspiration and removal body fluid
- -205 Excision, removal of tissue, destruction, debridement and cauterisation
- -206 Instrumentation, catheterisation, intubation and dilation
- -207 Repair-suture or cast
- -208 Taping or strapping
- -209 Application or removal of devices
- -210 Local injection and infiltration
- -211 Dressing, pressure, compression and tamponade
- -212 Therapeutic counselling
- -215 Delivery related interventions
- -299 Other specified treatment and therapeutic and preventive interventions
- -401 Result of test or procedure requested by own provider
- -402 Result of an examination or test from another provider
- -501 Encounter or problem initiated by provider
- -502 Encounter or problem initiated by other than patient or provider
- -503 Consultation with primary care provider
- -504 Consultation with specialist
- -505 Referral to other primary care provider
- -506 Referral to specialist, clinic or hospital
- -599 Other specified consultations, referrals and reasons for encounter
- -601 Administrative procedure
- -601.00 Filling in death certificate
- -601.01 Prescribing of sick leave note
- -602 Formulation of plan for care, management, treatment or intervention
Functioning (related)
- 2F01 Watching
- 2F02 Listening
- 2F03 Basic learning
- 2F04 Focusing attention
- 2F05 Thinking
- 2F06 Reading
- 2F07 Calculating
- 2F08 Solving problems
- 2F09 Making decisions
- 2F10 Undertaking a single task
- 2F11 Undertaking multiple tasks
- 2F12 Carrying out daily routine
- 2F13 Handling stress
- 2F14 Communicating with - receiving - spoken messages
- 2F15 Speaking
- 2F16 Conversing
- 2F17 Discussing
- 2F18 Using communication devices and techniques
- 2F20 Changing basic body position
- 2F21 Maintaining a body position
- 2F22 Transferring oneself
- 2F23 Lifting and carrying object
- 2F25 Fine hand use
- 2F26 Hand and arm use
- 2F27 Walking long distances and short distances
- 2F28 Climbing (steps)
- 2F29 Moving around within the home
- 2F30 Moving around outside the home and other buildings
- 2F31 Moving around using equipment
- 2F32 Using transportation
- 2F33 Driving
- 2F34 Washing oneself
- 2F35 Caring for body parts
- 2F36 Toileting
- 2F37 Dressing
- 2F38 Eating
- 2F39 Drinking
- 2F40 Looking after one's health
- 2F45 Doing housework
- 2F46 Assisting others
- 2F49 Basic interpersonal interactions
- 2F50 Complex interpersonal interactions
- 2F51 Relating with strangers
- 2F52 Formal relationships
- 2F53 Informal social relationships
- 2F54 Family relationships
- 2F55 Intimate relationships
- 2F56 Education and school
- 2F57 Acquiring, keeping and terminating a job
- 2F58 Remunerative employment
- 2F59 Non-remunerative employment
- 2F60 Community life
- 2F61 Recreation and leisure
- 2F69 Other specified activities and participation
- 2F71 Energy level
- 2F72 Sleep functions
- 2F73 Attention functions
- 2F74 Memory functions
- 2F75 Emotional functions
- 2F80 Seeing functions
- 2F81 Hearing functions
- 2F82 Balance
- 2F83 Dizziness
- 2F84 Pain functions
- 2F85 Exercise tolerance functions
- 2F86 Sexual functions
- 2F90 Mobility of joint functions
- 2F91 Muscle power functions
- 2F99 Other specified functions
- 2R01 Food
- 2R02 Drinking water
- 2R03 Drugs (medication)
- 2R04 Housing
- 2R05 Sanitation
- 2R06 Assistive products and technology for personal indoor and outdoor mobility and transportation
- 2R07 Natural environment and human-made changes to environment
- 2R07.00 Indoor air quality
- 2R07.01 Outdoor air quality
- 2R07.02 Sound intensity
- 2R07.03 Sound quality
- 2R08 Immediate family
- 2R09 Friends
- 2R10 Acquaintances, peers, colleagues, neighbours and community members
- 2R16 Health professionals
- 2R17 Individual attitudes of immediate family members
- 2R18 Individual attitudes of health professionals
- 2R19 Social security
- 2R20 Health services
- 2R29 Other specified External Factors
- 2R30 Extraversion
- 2R31 Agreeableness
- 2R32 Conscientiousness
- 2R33 Psychic stability
- 2R34 Openness to experience
- 2R35 Optimism
- 2R36 Confidence
- 2R37 Trustworthiness
- 2R39 Other specified Personality Functions